The ABC’s Core Values of TLCsupports Counselling Services

A -Provide Individual, Couple and Group Therapy

Individual Counselling - A type of therapy to help you become “unstuck”, set goals, and develop self-improvement.

Couple Counselling - A therapy to help two people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction.

Group Therapy - Group therapy can be categorized into different types depending on the mental health and addiction condition it is intended to support

B - Provide peer group and facilitated workshops

Groups can be as small as three or four, but group therapy sessions often involve around 6 to 8 people.

Benefit of Group Therapy:

  • Support, Safety and Encouragement

  • Role Modeling

  • Insights on Social Skills

  • Affordability

C - Provide student practicums; Provide Supervision Supports; Provide Volunteer Opportunities

TLCsupports Counselling services encourage student practicums, supervision supports and creating volunteer opportunities.

Timothy Crawford is a certified School Teacher/Resource Teacher/ School Counsellor with Manitoba Teachers Society and is a certified Counselling Therapist with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Timothy is also working towards his Counselling Supervision distinction with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

“The journey towards healing is a beautiful and transformative experience that continues to unfold. At TLCsupports Counselling Services, we understand that your story is unique and ever-evolving. Our goal is to create a safe space that feels right for you in this moment. Trust that the rest will fall into place, just as it always does.”

— From the compassionate team at TLCsupports Counselling Services